DCR Announces Ernestina Mast and Rigging Maintenance Project

DCR announced a solicitation for the Ernestina Mast and Rigging Maintenance Project today.  If you know anyone who is qualified and may be interested in bidding on this project please pass this notice along.

Masts need slushing

Description: The Department of Conservation and Recreation seeks the services of a qualified rigger to perform repairs of all the standing rigging to the historic wooden hulled Ernestina.  The schooner is a US Coast Guard inspected vessel under subchapter “T” & “R”.  Every effort shall be made to comply with USCG and National standards and guidelines for historic vessels of Ernestina’s size and character.

  • Interim payments will be based on percentage of work completed and may be requested as often as every two weeks.
  • The Ernestina at this time does not have its topmasts on the ship. It’s stats are: Fore 70’ 1” to deck; Main 72’ 6” to deck; Bowsprit 29’ outboard, 26’ inboard to stay.
  • The rigger must be able to commence work within 45 days of the Notice to Proceed.
  • The Department wishes to stress that the quality of work be consistent with vessels history, character, and status as a National Historic Landmark.  For this reason the qualifications and prior experience of bidders will be a significant part of bid evaluation.

Work list outline:

  1. Repair, replace, reseize of ratlines on foremast.  (Maximum 76 ratlines, 10 ratboards).
  2. Repair, replace, reseize of ratlines on mainmast. (Max. 74 ratlines, 14 ratboards)
  3. Repair, replace, reseize of upper ratlines on fore. (max. 16)Dead Eyes
  4. Repair, replace, reseize of upper ratlines on main. (max. 18)
  5. Slush both  masts from crosstrees down.
  6. Oil both masts from crosstrees down.
  7. Fill in any checks on both masts.
  8. Repair, replace, reseize all standing rig on bowsprit ( whiskers, foot, back bobstay).
  9. Tar/oil all shrouds on bowsprit, fore main.
  10. Readjustment of anchor burton.
  11. Replacement of gantline blocks. (we’ll supply)
  12. Repair of one cap on stick to keep birds off rigging ( just plywood with nails threw it).
  13. All iron on both masts to be inspected.
  14. Install main mast boot.
  15. Tar/oil  spring stays jumbo stays, and jib stays.


  1. All tar/oil of rig with a mixture of  1/3 pine tar, 1/3 of varnish, 1/3 of boiled linseed oil.
  2. Spar oiling above crosstrees with a mixture of 1/3 turpentine, 1/3 boiled linseed oil, 1/3 varnish.
  3. Mast slush with a mixture of vaseline and raw linseed oil.
  4. Checks to be filled in with beeswax or PL roof sealant (polyurethane)
  5. Ratlines are to be  R&W 3/8 posh dark

Text of RFR (14 pages)

More details are posted on Massachusetts Comm-PASS site.


Once you are at the Comm-PASS site follow these directions to find the solicitation:

  1. Click tab “Solicitations
  2. Click link “Search for solicitations
  3. Enter Keywords   DCR #476A
  4. Click on “There are 2 Solicitation(s) found that match your search criteria.”
  5. Choose the one that has the close date 12/17/2010 and click the eyeglasses to open the Summary and details.
