Another Chance!
What a fabulous response for the 10 bags we offered on Wednesday! They were all spoken for in an hour!
But we want to give EVERYONE a chance to get one of the bags so we have decided to make a special offer.
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, (Ernestina-Morrissey’s 128th “birthday”), a random drawing of names will be held. ANYONE who makes ANY SIZE DONATION during the month of December 2021 will have their name placed on the list. Each name will only be listed once. One person randomly chosen from the list will receive a bag! Don’t miss this opportunity to have one of these fantastic bags!
Please respond to the Annual Appeal. All donations will be applied to the Sails Fund.
AND there is an additional incentive:
a Dollar for Dollar MATCH!
A long-time benefactor was first introduced to all the history of Ernestina-Morrissey and her potential as an educator when he chaperoned his daughter’s school trip in the 1990’s. He has supported the work since then. He has issued a challenge to fully fund the foresail. He will match any donation up to a total of $10,000. If everyone helps SEMA meet this challenge, we can add $20,000 to the Sails Fund!
Send your donation today!
You can give ONLINE HERE ~~ (PayPal or debit or credit card.) ~~~~~~~ Deadline December 31, 2021
Or download a MAIL-IN FORM HERE ~~~~~~~ postmarked before January 1, 2022
Thank you for your continued support of Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey. Soon she will be carrying her story across the waters again, your support will help that happen!
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