All Sewn Up at 120!

Despite less than welcoming weather, friends of Ernestina stopped by to celebrate her 120th birthday.

Volunteer Marty Casey and SEMA Director Capt. Willi Bank demonstrated rope and sewing skills to visitors

Annie McDowell helped everyone make rope bracelets and served up the birthday cake

6:30 pm There will be a demonstration of how you can get “All Sewn Up” on Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey.

Steve Kirk, Marty Casey (center) and SEMA director Willi Bank Reeving the starboard foremast lanyards last May when the mast were raised.

Sewing skills and ropework are essential to ship-board life.  Come check it out demonstrations of these skills at the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park Visitors’ Center. 33 William St. in “The Link” , make a rope bracelet and then share some cake with us as we celebrate Ernestina’s 120th birthday!

YES! There will be cake!
