Helping Ernestina During the Morgan Homecoming

The Charles W. Morgan is coming to town and thousands are expected to visit New Bedford State Pier.  This is a great opportunity to share Ernestina-Morrissey, Massachusetts’ Official Vessel, with all those visitors.  DCR personnel and SEMA volunteers will staff the ship for eight “Open Ship” sessions, 11 am -3 pm from Sunday June 29 until July Sunday July 6.  We need YOUR help.  Please CONTACT us and let us know when you can stand a watch (or several) as deckhand for Open Ship during The New Bedford Homecoming. Since safety training needs to be organized for all the volunteers we would like to fill the roster soon.  Please let us know when you can help!

2010 Working Waterfront Festival Commissioner Fred Sterner sharing "Tools of the Trade" with visitors

2013 Working Waterfront Festival Tom Nixon drew a crowd while presenting Ernestina-Morrissey history as he did all summer as DCR Interpreter.
